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Type: Individual Consultancy Contract
Duty Station: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Closing Date: 28 September 2023, midnight Sri Lanka time (GMT + 5:30)
Job Description: Link / Attached File

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Purpose of consultancy:

The UNFPA office in Sri Lanka is hiring an international consultant to train staff of the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) on common data anonymization techniques and make recommendations on the optimal anonymization solutions suitable for DCS.



The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) is the central government agency responsible for collecting, compiling, analysing, and disseminating accurate, reliable, and timely official statistics for planning and monitoring the progress of development programmes and the socio-economic status of the country. Access to data collected by DCS is vital for research within the government and by the wider research community. DCS is required to ensure privacy and confidentiality when providing access to data and therefore, it is important that DCS uses robust data anonymization methods.


Scope of work:


The consultant is expected to:  

  • Conduct a needs assessment to identify specific data anonymization needs of the department and recommend optimal anonymization solutions.
  • Develop a comprehensive training curriculum that covers at a minimum data anonymization technique, software tools, best practices, legal and ethical considerations.
  • Develop training materials including presentations, handouts, exercises, case studies and participant book.
  • Deliver well-structured and engaging face-to-face training.
  • Conduct pre- and post- training evaluation.

Prepare a final report with evaluation results and recommendations for follow-up.