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Type: Individual Consultant to Develop Toolkit on Prevention of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)
Duty Station: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Closing Date: 28 July 2024, midnight Sri Lanka time (GMT + 5:30)
Link to the application


UNFPA Sri Lanka's 10th country programme (2023-2027) aims to promote equitable sexual and reproductive health and rights for all Sri Lankans, with a particular focus on girls, women, and young people. The programme aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda, pursuing the three transformative goals: (1) Ending unmet need for family planning, (2) Ending preventable maternal deaths, and (3) Ending sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices. Despite being classified as a middle-income country, UNFPA's Country Office (CO) in Sri Lanka engages in policy advocacy and dialogue to enhance the rights of women and girls in both development and humanitarian contexts.

Gender-based violence remains one of the most common rights violations and a significant public health concern globally. It is deeply entrenched in cultural norms, gender inequalities and discriminations. In Sri Lanka national-level data on GBV indicates that one in five (20.4%) ever-partnered women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Additionally, two in every five women (39.8%) have experienced physical, sexual, emotional, and/or economic violence and/or controlling behaviors by a partner in their lifetime. 

In analyzing the response to this pressing issue, interventions have predominantly focused on responding to violence after it occurs, which include strengthening services within health, social, justice and legal frameworks. Whilst strengthening response efforts remains vital, as part of ongoing interventions, there is a pressing need to place greater emphasis on the broader factors that drive gender-based violence at an individual, relationship, community, and societal level.

Within this context the country office intends to develop a broad-based prevention Toolkit looking at international best practices such as the RESPECT framework that aims at primary prevention through community engagement in line with the 10th Country Programme Document.

The Individual Consultant on developing the toolkit for prevention of gender-based violence is expected to:

  • Research and compile existing resources, best practices at global, regional and country levels to understand the available strategies for prevention of GBV.
  • Develop an inception report indicating the frameworks to be used, the timeline and approach to develop the toolkit including consultation and validation meetings.
  • Analyse the information and reports of UNFPA to understand the perception of communities to develop the toolkit that will be applicable to wider groups of stakeholders such faith-based organizations, media and youth groups among others.
  • Meet with relevant stakeholders including government partners to assess their understanding on addressing prevention of GBV.
  • Develop and validate toolkits based on international best practices.
  • Review design and finalize toolkit in English, Tamil and Sinhala.
  • Pilot toolkit among two community groups submission of final report.

Please refer to the Terms of Reference for further details.