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Individual Consultancy - Development of a Strategic Plan on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Policy

Individual Consultancy - Development of a Strategic Plan on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Policy

Sri Lanka

Individual Consultancy Contract


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Type: Individual Consultant - Individual Consultant for the Development of Strategic Plan on GEWE policy
Duty Station: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Closing Date: 05 May 2024, midnight Sri Lanka time (GMT + 5:30)
Link to the application

The UNFPA 2023-2027 country programme will contribute to the equitable enjoyment of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights of all Sri Lankans particularly among girls, women and young people. The Fund works towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda through three transformative goals to 1. End unmet need for family planning 2. End preventable maternal deaths and 2. End sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices. Within the classification of a middle-income country UNFPA Country Office (CO) in Sri Lanka is engaged in policy advocacy and dialogue to further strengthen the rights of women and girls in the development and humanitarian settings.

Purpose of consultancy:

In 2023, the UNFPA Country office provided technical support to the Women Parliamentarians' Caucus Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment (MOWCA) to develop and launch the National Policy on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment which covers 8 thematic areas.

Following that MOWCA initiated the process of preparing the strategic action plan on policy. To avoid duplications and to ensure the effective use of resources, MOWCA has collected existing action plans, policies and frameworks including but not limited to draft SGBV NAP (2024-20280, NAP on Women, Peace and Security cwps 2023 - 2027.), National Policy and Action Plan on Migration for Employment Sri Lanka (2023 - 2027). Within this context UNFPA aims to provide technical support to the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and Social Empowerment to develop a strategic action plan for the implementation of the GEWE policy,

For this purpose, the consultancy is aimed at reviewing the existing National Action Plans and frameworks, identify the gaps to be address through a new strategic action plan in line with the GEWE policy and develop strategic action plan in consultation with the Ministry and other key stakeholders.

Scope of work:

  • Develop a detailed work plan for reviewing the existing National Action Plans and frameworks.
  • Review the existing National Action Plans and frameworks, and identify the gaps in line with GEWE policy.
  • Facilitate stakeholder consultation/s (validation) and present the gap analysis.
  • Provide technical support for the development of strategic action plan in line with the gap analysis
  • Submit the draft strategic action plan for technical review.
  • Finalize the strategic action plan incorporating the comments and suggestions received.
  • Validation of the strategic action plan across key stakeholders.
  • Submit the final version of the strategic action plan to the UNFPA.