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Women's Rights are Human Rights

Women's Rights are Human Rights
Women's Rights are Human Rights


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Women's Rights are Human Rights

Publication date

01 January 2000

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The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, being established in 1996, could be named as the leader in protecting, promoting and providing human rights education in Sri Lanka. In 2005 the HRCSL took a significant step concerning Women’s Rights protection through initializing the “Policy Against Sexual Harassment in the Work Place”.
Ensuring women’s rights has enormous socio-economic ramifications. Women’s rights including equality and non-discrimination are articulated and promoted in numerous international human rights conventions, programmes of actions and policy frameworks. However, it could be said that gender is the next basic factor in the construction of a person’s identity. It is also the strongest. It is the social/cultural meaning and values given to sexual differences. In Sri Lanka the economic and social changes combined
with the three-decade conflict and the natural disastrous situations have impacted negatively on the life of the women and girl child.