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A snapshot of UNFPAs humanitarian efforts in Sri Lanka 2008 - 2012

A snapshot of UNFPAs humanitarian efforts in Sri Lanka 2008 - 2012
A snapshot of UNFPAs humanitarian efforts in Sri Lanka 2008 - 2012


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A snapshot of UNFPAs humanitarian efforts in Sri Lanka 2008 - 2012

Publication date

01 January 2016

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UNFPA’s emergency response in Sri Lanka from 2008-2012 has aimed to improve access to reproductive health services for displaced and resettled populations and host communities through the provision of mobile and stationary reproductive health clinics, distribution of hygiene packs and maternity kits, strengthening of health facilities, meeting human resource shortages and building national capacities to integrate reproductive health care and gender into disaster and emergency responses.
This photobook provides highlights of our efforts during the period 2008 to 2012 in helping Sri Lankan communities – particularly women and girls – address, recover from and resettle after the humanitarian crisis.



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