The Multi-sectoral National Action Plan to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Sri Lanka 2024-2028 is an outcome of a comprehensive and consultative process led by the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment (MWCA&SE) along with 12 lead line ministries, sub sector ministries, academia, Civil
Society Organizations (CSOs), NGOs, INGOs, trade unions, private sector, UN agencies, researchers, and experts. The entire process was technically led by UNDP Sri Lanka and UNFPA.
The vision of this policy framework and the Multi-sectoral National Action Plan to address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Sri Lanka 2024-2028 is “a violence free life for women, men, girls and boys and those with diverse gender identities and sexual orientations” and the underlying principle is “zero tolerance of
Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Sri Lanka.”
This National Action Plan ( NAP) consists of 13 main sectors with 5 sub sectors, namely Gender Empowerment, Child Affairs, Social Protection & Welfare, Education (General Education, Higher Education, Vocational and Technical Education & Training), Health & Indigenous Medicine, Economic Empowerment, Plantation, Justice
and Law Reform, Labour and Foreign Employment, Disaster Management, Mass Media, Youth & Sports, and Transport.
Relevant National Laws and Policy Frameworks
The NAP was guided by the following national laws and frameworks:
- At the national level, the Constitution of Sri Lanka specifically prohibits sex-based discrimination: article 12 (2) and 12 (3), and has laid the foundation for a policy framework on addressing SGBV through its commitment on equality before the law and equal protection of the law.
- The National Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment with its vision “to create a country that provides for and guarantees gender equality, equal opportunity and equitable justice for all” has Thematic Area 07: Freedom from Gender-based Violence that calls for the policy commitment in “Ending all forms of sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls in the private, public, professional and digital spheres.” This NAP is developed in line with the objectives laid out under the thematic area 07 that includes:
- To ensure adequate preventive measures are taken to educate and raise awareness on gender-based violence and gender norms that perpetuate violence.
- To ensure the availability, accessibility, and affordability of survivor friendly medical, legal, psychosocial, shelter and emergency support services to respond to survivors of gender-based violence.
- To ensure prevention of gender-based violence due to harmful gender norms, gender stereotyping and socio-cultural beliefs and the institutionalizing of such through legislation and support services.
- The Women’s Charter adopted by the Government in 1993 guarantees equality and equal protection of the law, and has specified prohibition of sex based discrimination. The Women’s Charter also imposes obligations on the state to address violence against women, procedurally and substantively in preventing and in responding to violence.