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Type: Individual Consultant to Develop Package for Monitoring of the Essential Services Package (ESP) Services and Multi-Sectoral Coordination
Duty Station: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Closing Date: 28 July 2024, midnight Sri Lanka time (GMT + 5:30)
Link to the application


UNFPA Sri Lanka's 10th country programme aims to promote equitable sexual and reproductive health and rights for all Sri Lankans, with a particular focus on girls, women, and young people. The programme aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) agenda, pursuing the three transformative goals: (1) Ending unmet need for family planning, (2) Ending preventable maternal deaths, and (3) Ending sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices. Despite being classified as a middle-income country, UNFPA's Country Office (CO) in Sri Lanka engages in policy advocacy and dialogue to enhance the rights of women and girls in both development and humanitarian contexts.

As the United Nations' agency for sexual and reproductive health (SRH), UNFPA is at the forefront of efforts to combat gender-based violence (GBV), leveraging its unique expertise to integrate gender equality and women's empowerment through SRH information, services, and protection from GBV, across the Humanitarian- Development nexus. UNFPA Sri Lanka is dedicated to enhancing the rights of women, girls, and marginalized communities, facilitating their access to information and services related to GBV.

In this framework, UNFPA intends to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs, and Social Empowerment to strengthen coordination systems and ensure quality assurance across GBV services and referral pathways. The initiative aims to foster national level accountability in addressing GBV. Accordingly, the consultancy will offer technical support and coordination for the following deliverables outlined for selected ministries and institutions: enhancing capacities in multisectoral coordination, monitoring, and quality assurance along the SGBV referral pathway to ensure gender-sensitive and survivor-centric service delivery.

  • In consultation with the UNFPA and MOWCSE, plan and facilitate the consultations at the subnational levels for the identification of contextualised needs
  • Develop precise module based on Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence (ESP) & Case Management (CM) module to strengthen multi sectoral coordination systems and referral pathway. 
  • Provide technical support for the delivery of sub national level trainings for officials of MOWCSE to enhance their capacities to provide quality referrals through the MOWCSE and sub national level officials 
  • Develop training guide and resource material as needed for the workshops.
  • Oversee and coordinate with the Implementing partner on timely delivery of the workshops and activities.
  • Drafting of the final project report in collaboration with the UNFPA team in line with reporting guidelines.
  • Coordinate with communications to support the visibility of the project.

Please refer to the Terms of Reference for further details.