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Type: Individual Consultancy - Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Adolescent & Youth Expert
Duty Station: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Closing Date: 17 July 2024, midnight Sri Lanka time (GMT + 5:30)
Link to the application

The IC SRHR/ Adolescent and Youth Expert will provide expertise on integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including youth-friendly SRHR services), HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, maternal health, family planning, and understanding of crosscutting issues within reproductive health and humanitarian crises settings as well as health sector's response to gender-based violence (GBV). The IC will contribute to the development of evaluation methodology and take part in the data collection and analysis work, with overall responsibility of contributions to the evaluation deliverables in the respective thematic area of expertise. The IC will provide substantive input throughout the evaluation process, evaluation work plan and agenda for the field phase, participating in meetings with the Evaluation Manager and UNFPA Sri Lanka CO staff. The SRHR/ Adolescent and Youth Expert will undertake a document review and conduct interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, as agreed with the Evaluation Team Leader. The IC will closely work with the Team Leader to complete tasks successfully. Please refer annexure 01 in the ToR for more details. 

The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Sri Lanka developed the Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan in June 2022 to respond to multifaceted crisis which, Sri Lanka experienced since its independence. The crisis led to difficulties in accessing essential health and protection services, exacerbated by inflation, low adaptive capacities, poor purchasing power and socio-cultural barriers. Consequently, community based protective systems were also disrupted and contributed to gender-based violence disproportionately. Against this backdrop, in line with HNP, UNFPA Sri Lanka implemented humanitarian response projects. Of them, the project titled “Provision of life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender Based Violence Services to the Most Vulnerable People in Sri Lanka" (UDD85) was carried out with the financial support of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

The project evaluation at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) serves for ensuring accountability, support for evidence-based decision-making, and for learning  to accelerate implementation of the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). UNFPA Sri Lanka and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have agreed to conduct this evaluation as per the agreement signed between them.

As an Individual Consultant Team Member, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Adolescent and Youth expert will provide SRHR/ Adolescent and Youth expertise to conduct final independent evaluation of the project.