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UN Security Council Resolution 2250


This was a resolution on youth, peace and security which recognises the contribution of youth in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, and warns against the rise of radicalisation to violence and violent extremism amongst youth.

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UN Security Council Resolution 2250 (SINHALA)


This was a resolution on youth, peace and security which recognises the contribution of youth in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, and warns against the rise of radicalisation to violence and violent extremism amongst youth.


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Labour Market Characteristics


Thematic Report based on Census of Population and Housing 2012


This report uses information from the Census of Population and Housing 2012 to conduct labour market analyses that were not possible with other data sources. The objective of this report is to fill gaps in current research. The report specifically focuses on the following areas: 

Labour market outcomes of the population with difficulties

The prevalence and types of science and technology workers in Sri Lanka

Unemployment rates, by education level and Divisional Secretariat level

Labour force participation rate, by education level and Divisional Secretariat level

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Fertility and Nuptiality


Thematic Report based on Census of Population and Housing 2012

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Educating Sri Lankans for Development


Thematic Report based on Census of Population and Housing 2012

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Comforting Condomization


Guide to Overcome Common Obstacles of Condom use

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No One Left Behind


Achieving Triple Zeros by 2030 


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Fulfilling Youth Potential


Young People Driving Social Change

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Youth Policy Programme: Pre- brief (Tamil)


Eastern Province, Stakeholder Consultation

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